Feng Shui for your House

How can I improve Feng Shui at home?

Each space is unique, like a fingerprint, and a personalized analysis of your home is necessary to know how to increase your well-being.
Until we meet, here are general tips that will surely help you stimulate your environment for a more comfortable life.

Simple suggestions

The energy of a home is affected by many factors, such as location, orientation, layout and furnishings. But there are also some simple things that can be done to improve a home’s energy.

Clearing is key

One of the best things you can do is to make sure the property is clean and free of clutter. Clutter can block the flow of energy, so it’s important to keep things tidy. It’s not always an easy task, we know, and it takes courage to get rid of objects that have been around for years. Yet, already during the process you will feel a sense of liberation and freedom

  • Clearing will give you a renewed sense of control over your environment.
  • Decluttering will leave room for new things, people and acquaintances that previously didn’t have the space to enter your life.

You have to be determined, and I can help you

The action of clearing is often not easy, and if you need help I know a very effective and stress-free method you can follow. Contact me to learn more about such strategies, which will surely surprise you when you make room in your life.
Let yourself be guided to a much more prosperous life.

Be careful

Getting a complete and thorough education and understanding of Feng Shui would take years.
Whether you are a complete novice or have a vague idea, it is best to leave it in the hands of a consultant who has learned from a good teacher in a good school.
Don’t be swayed by mass technology, as there is a lot of misinformation that has nothing to do with true classical Feng Shui.
