Descubre el Feng Shui en Mallorca
Armonía en cada espacio
Transforma tu entorno con el antiguo arte del Feng Shui, trayendo equilibrio y tranquilidad a tu hogar y negocio en Mallorca.
Descubre Más Sobre Mí
Armoniza Tu Espacio, Eleva Tu Vida
Eleva Tu Entorno con FengShuiDiseño Mágico y Equilibrado
Descubre el arte del feng shui en Mallorca, donde creamos entornos equilibrados e inspiradores que enriquecen tu vida.

- Crea armonía entre los elementos.
- Fomenta el movimiento de energía positiva.
- Establece intenciones claras y significativas.
- Incorpora elementos naturales.
- Mantén espacios claros y despejados.

- Mejora la salud y la felicidad personal.
- Atrae riqueza y éxito.
- Fomenta la armonía y el amor.
- Potencia la concentración y la creatividad.
- Cultiva una atmósfera tranquila.

- Evaluaciones personalizadas de espacios.
- Optimiza los entornos de trabajo.
- Armoniza las áreas exteriores.
- Elimina las energías negativas.
- Aprende el arte del feng shui.

- Evaluación completa de tu entorno actual.
- Estrategias de feng shui a medida para tus necesidades únicas.
- Identifica objetivos claros para la transformación.
- Armoniza los cinco elementos clave en tu espacio.
- Apoyo y asesoramiento continuos para una armonía sostenida.
Proyectos Exitosos
Nuestros Servicios
Soluciones para CadaNecesidad
Revitaliza tu hogar en un refugio pacífico con recomendaciones personalizadas de feng shui.
Mejora la armonía y productividad en el lugar de trabajo con diseños expertos de feng shui.
Crea un oasis exterior calmante equilibrando los elementos naturales.
Incorpora el feng shui en tu diseño de interiores para un aspecto armonioso y fluido.
Refresca tu entorno eliminando la energía estancada para renovar la vitalidad.
Reseñas de Clientes
Comentarios de clientes
Thank you, Rosanna, for the detailed study highlighting the energies on our land. Your professional handout has guided us in shaping our space, ensuring comfort for both us and our guests. Feng Shui is truly fascinating. We’re eager to implement your insights and experience the positive changes. Your support and passion are greatly appreciated.
I consulted Rosanna Deflorian for a home evaluation and was impressed by her comprehensive approach. Her insights went beyond Feng Shui, offering personalized advice for each family member, including furniture placement. Although our house was already furnished, implementing her suggestions noticeably improved our family's well-being. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to enhance their living space.
I found Rosanna online as a Feng Shui Consultant. Her quick response and reasonable pricing were impressive. She delivered a thorough Feng Shui Report for my home-based business, which had been struggling. After applying her recommendations, my business began to thrive. I highly recommend her and plan to have her assess my home as well.

Samuele Bonani / Serena Dal Bosco
Cles, Trento, Italy
Thank you Rosanna for the incredible job you did! We loved the fact that you drew on various schools of Feng Shui to give a really comprehensive and personalized picture of our home and family.
The study gives very useful practical guidance on how to manage the spaces in the home and how to arrange the furniture, what the positive and negative energies are, and the guidelines to follow.
Highly recommended for anyone who is planning to remodel or build a new home!

Margarita Fernandez Cortes
Granada, Spain
Rosanna did an amazing job with the energy map for my new store. I put the water fountain where she told me to, and customers started coming in almost immediately. And as if that wasn't enough, the Christmas lottery tickets bought here were very lucky: 20,000 euros to everyone who shopped in my store! Thank you, Rosanna!

Laura Valenti
Rosanna Deflorian, a dear friend, has fully embraced Feng Shui, turning her home into a serene oasis. Her dedication to high standards and ability to reinvent herself are impressive. A talented mom and world traveler, her practical and refreshing approach helped immensely during my move, providing invaluable support and insights.

David and Petra
Granada, Spain
We found Rosanna Deflorian Feng Shui on Facebook, and she impressed us with her professionalism and clear renovation guidance for our La Zubia home. Her skills and holistic vision led us to invite her to our Art-eco green building team. Her detailed project inspired us and provided clear direction. Thank you, Rosanna!
Cómo Trabajamos
Enfoque para conectar con experto
Comenzamos con una discusión en profundidad para comprender tus necesidades, objetivos y los espacios específicos que deseas mejorar.
Nuestros expertos visitan tu ubicación para realizar una evaluación completa del flujo de energía y la disposición.
Recibe un plan personalizado con estrategias prácticas de feng shui diseñadas para armonizar y equilibrar tu entorno.
Ofrecemos orientación y apoyo continuo para ayudarte a aplicar las recomendaciones de manera efectiva y lograr la transformación deseada.
¿Necesitas Ayuda? Contáctanos
conocimientos de feng shui